Explorance news

University of Western Australia Gets the Full Picture with Blue Student Journey Analytics

Montreal, Canada – January 21, 2020 – The University of Western Australia (UWA) has committed to the next step of feedback data management and analysis with Blue Student Journey Analytics (SJA). Through a holistic approach, Blue SJA enables the university to support its students throughout their academic journey with a connected experience, continuous listening strategy, and decision support. In a statement, UWA commented:

“The University’s Vision 2030 and 2020-2025 strategic plan includes initiatives to improve student evaluation in order to support high quality teaching and student satisfaction. Explorance’s suite of evaluation software solutions was selected and we are looking forward streamlining the preparation, execution and report generation to allow more in-depth analysis of our student feedback.”

Student feedback at UWA will be centralized and automated through the Blue SJA solutions, which include Bluepulse, BlueX, BlueML, the Data Integrity Gateway (DIG), and Blue Analytics. Blue along with DIG will provide the university with a streamlined and efficient process for the preparation, execution and report generation of student evaluation data.

With Bluepulse, UWA can implement a continuous listening strategy by collecting campus-wide feedback from students in real-time. Bluepulse taps directly into the student voice and encourages engagement through spontaneous interactions both inside and outside of the classroom.

Decision support will come from Blue Analytics with its powerful reporting engine and text analytics capabilities. Blue Analytics helps add context and produces a deeper understanding of evaluation data. Flexible reporting will allow the university to maximize the insights received from student data to ensure any improvement actions are meaningful.

The University of Western Australia also has access to BlueX, a web-based survey software that can be used by anyone for any reason. Small scale surveys can be deployed by researchers to collect data that does not require institutional-level scaling and support. Yet, the institution still gets an overview of all feedback data gathered from surveys.

An important factor for UWA’s decision to partner with Explorance – beyond the benefits provided by Blue Student Journey Analytics – is Blue’s strong integration capabilities with its IT Systems. By integrating with the university’s Learning Management System (LMS) Blackboard, Blue creates a streamlined process for students who can access evaluation forms directly from their portal. This integration also means that administrators can utilize other IT infrastructures such as Callista and SAML-Active Directory to connect datasets.

Through Blue SJA, the university can be efficient with its feedback gathering processes, create strong engagement between students and the institution, and decrease first-year attrition rates. Further, it will be supported by Explorance’ s strong presence in Australia, its ability to offer a consistently high level of service, and capacity to provide high-quality technical support.

Founded in 1911, the University of Western Australia enrolls nearly 24,000 students across four faculties. Part of the Group of Eight, a world Top 100 University, it is one of Australia’s leading universities.

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