Explorance news

Explorance is a Sponsor of the 2018 D2L FUSION Conference in Houston, TX

Montreal, Canada – July 19, 2018 – Explorance is a proud sponsor of the 2018 D2L FUSION conference to be held at the Marriott Marquis in Houston from July 25–27. Explorance, a D2L partner, will showcase the Blue-all-in-one evaluation system and Bluepulse – a live formative feedback tool. Join us at booth #204 to learn how Blue and Bluepulse can seamlessly integrate with Brightspace.

FUSION is the annual D2L Global Users’ Conference. At this year’s conference, attendees can expect thoughtful discussions about the future of higher education as well as fun networking activities with educators, tech companies, and thought leaders from around the globe. You will also get to learn about the latest innovations in education and technology and participate in lively training workshops. To learn more about the event, visit https://www.d2l.com/events/fusion/.


Stacey Martini 
Events & Special Projects Coordinator 

BlueBluepulseConferencePeople insight solutions

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