Explorance news

Explorance is a Sponsor of CanvasCon Sydney in Australia

Montreal, Canada – September 07, 2018 – Explorance is a proud sponsor of the 2018 CanvasCon Sydney conference to be held at the International Convention Centre on September 11th, 2018. A Canvas Alliance partner, Explorance will showcase the Blue-all-in-one evaluation software and Bluepulse – a live formative feedback software. Join us to learn how Blue and Bluepulse can seamlessly integrate with the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS).

CanvasCon is a one-day event where education professionals come together to discuss edtech innovation. Attendees will be treated to institution-led sessions, Canvas presentations, and ample networking opportunities.


Stacey Martini
Events & Special Projects Coordinator

BlueBluepulsePeople insight solutions

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