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Blue Institutions on the Top 100 QS University Rankings 2021

At Explorance, we take a collaborative approach when working with Higher Education Institutions and consider them partners. These partnerships have been fundamental to the evolution of our products and solutions especially the Blue Student Journey Analytics framework.

So, when QS World University Rankings released their 2021 list, we were beyond elated to see many of our partnering institutions recognized. The 2021 list details the top 1000 universities from across the globe and is “the world’s most popular source of comparative data about university performance.”

A huge congratulations to all our partnering Higher Education Institutions that have made the 2021 list!

Here is how Explorance partnering institutions fared within the top 100

  • 20% of the top 10 universities on the QS World University Rankings 2021 are Blue-powered, include Harvard University (3) and the University of Chicago (9).
  • 28% of the top 25 institutions use Blue to automate their feedback processes including National University of Singapore (11), University of Pennsylvania (16), Princeton University (12), University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (21), and University of Toronto (25).
  • 21% of the top 100 list are Blue-powered and include institutions from around the world.
    • APAC and Europe Regions: University of Melbourne (41), UNSW Sydney (44), City University of Hong Kong (48), Monash University (55), University of Copenhagen (76), and The University of Auckland (81)
    • Canada: University of Toronto (25), McGill University (31) and University of British Columbia (45)

Universities with very high research activity that made the Top 100 list

  • R1 institutions: Northwestern University (29), University of California, Berkeley (30), University of California, Los Angeles (36), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (95)
  • Members of the U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities: University of Toronto (25), McGill University (31), University of British Columbia (45)


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