Explorance news

Explorance is a Sponsor of the 2018 Advance HE Teaching and Learning Conference

Montreal, Canada – June 29, 2018 – Explorance will be attending the 2018 Advance HE Teaching and Learning conference to take place at the Aston Conference Centre in Birmingham, UK from July 3-5. In addition to exhibiting, a representative from Explorance will showcase how Blue and it’s suite of applications helps institutions across the globe improve the teaching and learning experience.

We invite you to attend the presentation:

Title: Blue DEMO
Date: July 3-5, 2018
Time: 12:50am – 13:00pm 
Location: Aston Conference Centre, Birmingham
Presenter: John Atherton and Abigail Murray

This year’s annual debate will center on the theme “for the future of higher education to be truly global, education must be free for all”. Attendees can also expect intriguing key notes, stimulating peer presentations, and cheerful networking opportunities. For more information, visit Higher Education Academy website


Stacey Martini 
Events & Special Projects Coordinator


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