
How to Increase Your Course Evaluation Response Rates

Written by Explorance.

In our last post, we looked at how to effectively design course evaluations in order to collect the data you need. However, what good is a well-developed course evaluation if no one responds?

Will response rates drop when course evaluations are moved online? This is a common concern. The short answer is that response rates may drop at first. However, over time, performing online course evaluations will help provide you with better quality data, reduce completion time and generally increase response rates.

Moreover, when you make the switch to an online course evaluation system, much work needs to be done in order to get proper buy-in from students, faculty, administrative staff, senior administration and other stakeholders. With that in mind, let’s look at how to achieve good response rates!

Tips to increase your course evaluation response rates:

  1. Communicate with your students to increase engagement.
    • Assure absolute confidentiality; state that the information gathered will remain 100% confidential.
    • Announce when the evaluation process will begin and give instructions.
    • Explain how course evaluations benefit the student, the course and the institution as a whole.
    • Once you have done one round of online course evaluations, in order to build credibility, we would encourage you to share examples of how you have used prior evaluation feedback to highlight the value of participation and show tangible benefits.
  2. Promote your online course evaluations throughout your institution.

    Among the options you might wish to consider include:

    • On campus press releases and news ads.
    • Public service announcements or radio spots.
    • Posters, flyers and other materials throughout campus.
    • Direct e-mail campaigns.
    • Banner ads on student portals.
  3. Provide incentives to spur course evaluation participation and completion
    • Make course evaluation results available to students, once they have completed their evaluation.
    • Offer a small grade increase or extra credit.
    • Make the course evaluation an assignment in the course.
    • Give students earlier access to grades if they complete the evaluation.
  4. Make it easy for students to complete the evaluation
    • Ensure that your online system is accessible. Let students know the variety of ways they can access the evaluation, including by computer, mobile device, tablet, alternative input devices, and more.
    • Build your evaluations so that they are short, clear and easy to complete.
    • Provide a link to the evaluation in emails to students as well as in subsequent reminders.
    • Ask students to bring laptops to class.
  5. Remind, remind, remind

    To ensure students complete evaluations, consider the following.

    • Send early reminders 2-3 weeks prior to the scheduled evaluation.
    • Send reminders during the evaluation period through the student portal.
    • Give in class reminders reiterating the importance of student feedback and participation.

Has your institution tried any of the above tactics to increase course evaluation completion rates? Do you have any tips to add to the list? Please share with us!

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